September is NC Lions Vision Awareness Service Month

September 2023 – Vision Awareness Month

PDG Irwin Siegelwax – MD-31 GST

I am proud of this Council of Governors and your assistance in building upon the success we had last year at our first Lions Days of Service in North Carolina.

The concept, as you know, is to have a theme each year on the last Saturday in September, to raise awareness in North Carolina to the many areas we serve the public.

It is unrealistic to try to have all 242 Lions Clubs in North Carolina do a service project on that date. Therefore, we are referring to September as – Vision Awareness Month.

Clubs can plan event(s) that will work for them. Some ideas are:

Vision screening, Color blindness testing, walk/run a mile to raise Community awareness & eyeglass collection.

Heavy promotion is needed for these events, including the actual 2nd Lions Day of Service on September 30th – to include Television, Radio and newspapers.

We will be acknowledging the total results of these events and announcing the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place districts at our November Council of Governors meeting. There is no reason why all 242 Clubs cannot, on Saturday September 30th, report their vision service data into MyLion. This is a golden opportunity for your District as well as MD31 to achieve 100% club service reporting by the end of October!

In summary, I envision that all our NC Lions Clubs will do some event in September related to “Vision”. Then, on our 2nd Lions Day of Service on September 30th, each Club will have information available on a table with Vision data and also information about their Club.

In order for your District to be in 1st, 2nd or 3rd place, I will be providing guidance on how to report your service results to your appropriate Zone/Region Chair to be forwarded to your District GST. We will need this information in addition to your MyLion input for services.

Together we will make a difference.


Yours In Lionism,

PDG Irwin Siegelwax