The food drive held during the 101st annual North Carolina Lions State Convention will again support the Greensboro Urban Ministry (GUM). Founded in 1967, this 501-c-3 entity provides assistance to children and families at their point of need by providing opportunities for nutritious meals; as well as, safe shelters, and emergency support services and counseling.
Their Community Kitchen provides free hot lunches every day, including holidays, to anyone who is hungry. The kitchen also provides breakfast and dinner to guests staying in a GUM residential shelter. Approximately 400 meals are served daily.
The recently reopened Choice Food Pantry provides emergency groceries to community families struggling to access nutritious and adequate amounts of food necessary for a healthy diet. They also provide the opportunity for households, on a weekly basis, to come in and select items they need. Approximately 100 families visit the Choice Food Pantry on a daily basis.
GUM has identified specific items as their critical needs:
- Canned protein (chicken, salmon, tuna, pork/ham, etc.) Pop-tops are preferred!
- Canned tomatoes or canned Pasta sauce
- Peanut Butter Plastic containers are preferred!
- Rice (1 lbs. bags)
- Dry beans (1 lbs. bags)
- Hygiene supplies: Tooth brushes, tooth paste, deodorant, bar soap, etc.
Greensboro Urban Ministry relies on churches, schools, civic and social groups, and corporations to stock their shelves. Cash donations will allow for weekly purchases of perishable food items such as fruits and vegetables.
Food insufficiency in Gilford County effects nearly 90,000 individuals. Obviously GUM can not reach out to everyone! It is up to each and every of us to help bridge the gap. Together we can make a difference.
Bob Christensen
31-S Hunger Chairperson